Daily Routine Chart



The Monkey & Chops Daily Routine Chart provides the perfect visual reminder of your child’s morning and evening routines. Firstly, it enables children to build their individual routines, using the task magnets included, promoting ownership of the process. Secondly, the images are colourful and simple in design so there is no confusion as to the type of task expected. Finally, kids can tick off each task as they go using the dry-erase marker. This provide a sense of achievement, whilst promoting confidence and independence.

What’s Included?

What's Included
The Daily Routine Chart comes in two versions – the magnetic sheet version for attaching directly to the fridge, or, the rigid magnetic board to hang on any wall of your house. Each Daily Routine Chart pack includes 1 Daily Routine Chart magnet with two rows (for morning and evening routines), 38 task magnets and a dry-erase, magnetic marker pen. The magnets depict routine tasks that your children carry out upon waking each morning and before bed each night. Click here to order the Daily Routine Chart pack, or here to purchase the task magnets separately.

Work the Routine

Children respond well to routine. The Monkey & Chops Daily Routine Chart is designed to provide children with a visual reminder of what their individual routines look like. It aims to encourage your child to learn and understand the order of tasks in their morning and evening routines. Furthermore it develops independence and confidence in performing these tasks each day.

Each family can individualise their child’s/children’s routine by using the range of task magnets included. By involving your child in the “routine building” process, they’ll develop a sense of ownership of their daily routines. Younger children will enjoy the sense of achievement from completing the tasks “all by themselves”. Over time their routines will become second nature, taking the stress out of the busy morning rush and the evening wind down.

For working parents, parents of multiple children, or, parents who enjoy order and compliance at the start and end of the day, moderation of your child’s behaviour can be achieved by greater understanding of their daily routine. When children know what’s expected of them and have a colourful and easy guide to follow, they are more likely to comply with accomplishing the tasks at hand.

Encourage Independence!

So go ahead and build the morning and evening routines with your child and enjoy the benefit of growing independence. Order a Daily Routine Chart pack for your child today!