Self-Regulated Learning: Essential 21st Century skills

Essential 21st century skills, such as “self-regulated learning”, are fast becoming the cornerstone of teaching & learning in leading Australian schools as they prepare their students for future success.

A recent article by Rachel George (Deputy Head of Caulfield Grammar Junior School Teaching & Learning) outlines the concept of self-regulated learning and its importance in the curriculum of students today, for the demands of work and life tomorrow:

Students who take responsibility for and actively engage in their own learning process by planning, monitoring and evaluating their development are called self-regulated learners.


Effective self-regulated learners actively set their own goals, decide on strategies to reach their goals, plan their time, display adaptability and flexibility in their approach, seek feedback on their performance and make appropriate adjustments for future learning activities.

“Most researchers agree the best learning occurs when students carefully observe and consider their own behaviours and act upon what has been learned.”

“In order to self-regulate, students must shift their focus from comparing their performance with that of their peers to self-comparison; and from being reactive to proactive learners.”

Monkey & Chops Reward Charts give children a head start on developing self-regulated learning skills by encouraging children to plan their own behavioural goals, monitor their progress, evaluate their efforts and reward their own performance daily as they work towards long-term behavioural growth.

“Having the ability to self-regulate will be an essential skill for life in the 21st century.”


George, R., (2014) Labora magazine – August, Caulfield Grammar School.